Foldäbl Homes

The founders Anthony & Chris came up with the concept after travelling through Europe and Africa together and realising that there was a real need of sustainable affordable housing worldwide - especially with the 'cost of living' and 'shortage of housing' crisis.

Key factors to creating the design was to use the best European engineering, Australian materials and American innovation.

This is how we came up with our name.

Foldäbl (inspired by the English word 'foldable'):
Adjective: Characterising an object or piece of furniture or building designed with sophisticated engineering, allowing it to transform or compact into a smaller form. In the context of tiny homes, foldäbl items are the epitome of space-saving innovation, where each aspect is designed and serves multiple purposes with sleek, effortless transitions.

This is our building philosophy.

Modgül (evoking the concept of 'modular'):
Noun: A modular unit or system that can be easily added, removed, or reconfigured to modify the living space, promoting versatility and adaptability. Modgül elements are foundational in precision-engineered tiny homes, where each module is crafted to fit and function perfectly with others, creating a customisable
and efficient interior layout.
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